New Identity for a Luxury Hotel, Golden Empire - B360 Branding Agency

New Identity for a Luxury Hotel, Golden Empire

Golden Empire is a premium and luxurious hotel that serves your every moment with the highest international standards and empowers you like the emperors and impresses. Previously, Golden Empire was affiliated with Grand Mercure Group. With the departure of Grand Mercure from the franchise, now, they are standing alone as the Golden Empire only.

Golden Empire Hotel
Golden Empire Hotel

The Brief

  • To create a Brand Strategy for Golden Empire Luxury Hotel
  • To create a unique Brand Identity
  • To position Golden Empire Luxury Hotel as one of the top Luxury Hotel in Myanmar
  • To create a unique identity that can be used across multiple channels
  • To create an easy-to-follow guide to ensure the Golden Empire Luxury Hotel brand identity is used properly
  • To execute Brand Elements for Branding and Marketing Communication of the Hotel

Symbol Process

Symbol Process for Golden Empire

We took the initial letter G from Golden and E from Empire as well as the characteristics and elements of both letters: the circular shape of “G” and the liner shape of “E” to form a unique logo that truly belongs to GOLDEN EMPIRE.

Brand’s Big Idea

Rule Every Moment
Rule Every Moment

Every day, people strive for greatness in their lives. Achieving that greatness needs a powerful feeling. A powerful mind to feel confident. Powerful confidence to conquer the day. Golden Empire brings that empowerment that makes you feel like the kings and queens of every day, bringing you closer to the true greatness you are searching for. The wait is over. With us, you are ready to “RULE EVERY MOMENT“.

hotel branding agency myanmar